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ADR Centru launches 'Region Centre' Programme 2021-2027 for EU funding opportunities

ADR Centru, a member of EURADA, has presented its new programme "Regiunea Centru" 2021-2027. The programme aims to promote the development of the region by providing funding opportunities for projects through the European Regional Development Fund. The agency held a series of public debates in February, March, and April 2023 to inform potential applicants about the available funding opportunities.

More than 1200 participants attended these promotional events, which were held in each county of the region. The agency engaged in direct dialogue with eligible groups for funding through the programme, including representatives from the public and private sectors. The events were tailored to each specific group and included presentations on the different priority areas for investment, such as innovation and research, entrepreneurship and SMEs, and the low carbon economy.

The agency also presented good practices from previous funding periods and discussed the specific conditions for accessing funds, including eligibility and selection criteria. In addition to the Regiunea Centru programme, the agency provided information on other funding opportunities available to applicants.

The events were followed by the launch of a new website dedicated to the programme, which is now available at ADR Centru is currently adjusting the launch documents to comply with the GEO 23/12.04.2023, which simplifies the procedures for the preparation of new applicant guidelines, as well as the evaluation, selection, contracting, and monitoring of new project processes. As soon as possible after the public launch of the MYSMIS application, ADR Centru will begin accepting project funding applications with the support of the European Regional Development Fund.

By organising these events and launching the new programme, ADR Centru is helping to promote the economic development of the region and encouraging cooperation between different stakeholders. The Regiunea Centru programme provides a unique opportunity for eligible applicants to access funding for their projects and contribute to the development of the region.

For more information do not hesitate to click here.