Horizon Europe
ToBe is a Horizon Europe-funded project of 36 months starting March 2023 with estimated eligible costs of 2,999,991,00 euros (maximum grant amount is 2,999,991,00 euros).
ToBe aims to build an understanding of a sustainable wellbeing economy by developing integrated policies and transformative indicators. The project's goal is to contribute to theoretical and empirical knowledge in the field of sustainability transformation, as well as advance understanding of sustainable wellbeing and inclusive economy beyond GDP. Together with researchers, policymakers and citizens in Europe, Africa and South America, ToBe studies how mindsets, indicators, innovations and policies could better work together towards the sustainability paradigm.

Construct a theoretical framework for a sustainable wellbeing economy by providing a systemic and dynamic understanding of how changing policy goals, mindsets, indicators, innovations and policies work together towards a sustainability paradigm.
Identify different processes of economic growth by analysing their social and environmental implications.
Evaluate and compare alternative growth initiatives as systemic innovations with a focus on drivers and barriers to implementation and impacts on social and environmental outcomes.
Develop an ecological macroeconomic model combining conventional macroeconomic variables with indicators of wellbeing and sustainability to assess policies from a multidimensional perspective.
Expand a co-creation platform and co-create policy solutions together with stakeholders to help institutionalise the new policies and indicators in Europe and beyond.
Contact person at EURADA: María Midón