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Innovation Management: the innovation support service for companies in Emilia-Romagna

We want to present the advanced initiative “Innovation Management” launched by our member ART-ER, Emilia-Romagna Regional Development Agency, whose Unit Manager is also EURADA’s president. The project provides a support service to improve innovation management for Emilia Romagna region’s companies.

Innovation Management is promoted and funded by the Emilia-Romagna Region and the European Commission within the Enterprise Europe Network and provided by ART-ER. A Call for Expression of Interest has been launched to be one of the benefited companies provided with the support to improve innovation management.

The project aims to provide a source which consists of a free innovation support service dedicated to upgrading enterprise innovation management in a personalised way. The service methodology, developed by IMP3ROVE, is based on different phases:

 Firstly, the companies are provided with an initial internal analysis, focusing on various aspects such as internal organisation, business, process management and communication through a questionnaire, validated and promoted by the European Commission Enterprise and Industry, that allows us to understand how the company manages innovation and subsequently to compare these behaviours with a large pool of European companies, identifying those virtuous behaviours that allow companies to grow faster. In addition, the service studies the business market to generate a benchmarking report against competitors and in particular against a selected sample of companies with high growth rates.

Based on the results of previous processes, the companies receive an action plan with precise guidelines and indications to improve their performance, plus an optional accompaniment to the implementation of the action plan. The last phase of the service provides a follow-up period focused on understanding the possible impacts generated after the implementation of the proposed actions.

It is undoubtedly how innovation has become essential for businesses to have the ability to adapt to current changing markets. A company’s internal organisation can often be one of the largest challenges of innovation. Businesses need to be culturally, structurally or materially prepared for these global challenges. Regional development Agencies can be a changer and facilitator to address the limitations. We encourage RDA to follow ART-ER steps and exploit the full potential of their enterprises of regions.

Interested companies can find application details here. The deadline for applications is 30/10/2022.

To read the news from ART-ER you can click here.