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RAISE | 2nd Co-creation Workshop: The New European Innovation Agenda, Start-ups and their Scale-up

RAISE Project is a joint initiative of networks and national and regional agencies at EU level collaborating for a sustainable integrated support framework to foster start-up growth and scale-up within and across Europe.

On Monday 23rd January 2023 at SERN premises in Brussels (Av. des Arts 24, 1000 Brussels, Belgium), in the process of avoiding existing lack of integration between different support services and action plans that creates gaps in start-up support at EU level, the RAISE consortium organise its first in a series of exchange of experience open sessions to promote discussion on future initiatives to building an unique agenda for an interconnected EU start-up space with the focus on the New European Innovation Agenda.

Stakeholders at regional, national and EU level covering the lifecycle of start-ups growth, R&I programmers and policy makers, capacity building programmes managers and technicians, private investment or representative of access to public funding organisation are invited to participate in this online session to find points of interaction and advancement around the New European Innovation Agenda, its novelties for scale-ups supporting organisations and the resulting opportunities for collaboration of the first steps of its implementation.


Click here to register to the event




About the Project

The main goal of RAISE is to develop a new and sustainable integrated support framework to foster start-up growth and scale-up across Europe in all its dimensions, from initial funding, research support to public incentives and internationalisation. This will result in promoting competitive business models, unconventional collaborations and solutions from all in Europe, and contributing to the establishment of a true EU startup ecosystem, not based on a single city or region, but linking all of them together.


The RAISE project is implemented by a five-organisations consortium led by Startup Europe Regions Network (SERN): EURADA, EBAN, ICORSA, and FUNDECYT. All organisations are active at the European level spanning the whole spectrum of startup support and growth: access to public funding, business angels, research & innovation.