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Scottish Enterprise leads SMEs in their journey to sustainability

In the pursuit of a sustainable future, collaboration and support play a pivotal role. At EURADA we take pride in our members’ commitment to sustainable initiatives towards a greener future.

Our member Scottish Enterprise, Scotland’s national economic development agency showcases its exemplary partnerships providing sustainability support to benefit the Scottish business landscape.

Scottish Enterprise is dedicated to fostering sustainable development providing invaluable support, guidance, and resources to its members. It offers them a tailored sustainability plan to help them work towards a net zero future embracing the enterprises with eco-conscious and innovative strategies.

One example of the impactful Scottish Enterprise support can be seen through the collaboration with Mackie’s, a traditional ice cream brand, that has received the support from our members during its sustainability journey. Through strategic support, leadership coaching, and management development, Scottish Enterprise has played a pivotal role in guiding Mackie's on its sustainable investments. This collaboration extends beyond guidance to capital support for crucial equipment, ensuring that enterprises can implement large-scale sustainability projects effectively.

With the goal of becoming self-sufficient, Mackie’s started generating its own wind and solar power in 2005, and it is currently generating twice as much energy as it uses each year. Furthermore, they implemented a  biomass boiler that heats the whole farm and plays an important role in the company’s low-carbon refrigeration project.

You can read more about the renewable energy masterclass from Mackie’s here.

This collaboration paves the way for further enterprises and organisations to follow the Scottish enterprise culture of sustainable responsibility towards a greener future for Europe.