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We are looking for a new Director!

The European Association of Development Agencies is seeking a Director (CEO) to oversee the management of the association, represent the interests of its members before the EU institutions, and develop and contribute to providing value-added services to members.

The Director will also be responsible for the General coordination of the EURADA EU project portfolio of ongoing projects and Technical Assistance assignments, the Secretariat Staff and interns. This is a highly qualified position in a pioneering association with more than 30 years of experience in promoting the exchange of experiences, benchmarking, and cooperation between experts in regional socio-economic development.


What we are seeking

  • A motivated and organised person, with a clear commitment to provide leadership to an association with members in European countries and manage a staff of more than 10 employees;
  • Someone with availability to travel and represent the association in high-level conferences, project meetings, workshops, visits to the Regional Development Agencies, etc;
  • Flexibility in executing the needed activities.


Mains tasks:

Stakeholder management and animation

  • Establish measures to increase the critical mass of the association, increasing the number of members;
  • Develop a membership strategy that involves members in the day-to-day running of the association through working groups, ensuring the direct or indirect representation of EURADA in expert working groups of the European Commission through members' involvement;
  • Preparation of the association's annual Work Programme, proposing objectives, and setting up the actions necessary to achieve them;
  • Organising and leading the association's thematic working groups, ensuring the reports and dissemination of information to the entire network;
  • Negotiate and implement partnership agreements with other regional stakeholders and ensure the follow-up of the achievement of the objectives set.


Projects general coordination development and implementation

  • General coordination in the implementation of ongoing projects and Technical Assistance activities funded by the European Commission. Ensuring the quality of the results and the impact on the partners and on-time technical and financial reporting;
  • Search for additional sources of funding, with tenders and contracts with the European Commission and or other organisations.


HR Administrative and financial manager general coordination

  • Prepare and control the execution of the annual budget with the setting up of monthly monitoring dashboards;
  • Ensure that the association's accounts (general and analytical) and financial management are kept in with the accounting firm and the auditor;
  • Organise the administrative follow-up of the association (Board of Directors, General Assembly, legal obligations etc);
  • Improve internal operating procedures;
  • Conduct an assessment (skills and training needs) and propose potential training to fill eventual gaps.


Communication and information activities

  • Monitor and develop the external communication policy with the support of the Communication and Membership Policy Manager;
  • Supervise the organisation of events, conferences, and/or hybrid workshops;
  • Promote the members especially through meetings and working groups with EU institutions;
  • Represent the members in conferences and all events related to regional development.


Position Development Agencies and their stakeholders

  • Represent the development agencies in the different international forums outside of Europe. Reinforce the relations of the European agencies with the associations of development agencies from other non-European countries;
  • Actively participate in the preparation of policy fora, initiatives and programmes of the European Union linked with regional development with the support of the Policy Officer;
  • Conducting and updating analysis on development agencies with the support of the Policy Officer and in cooperation with research institutions.


The selection process

Please send your CV in EUROPASS FORMAT indicating the start and ending date of each education training and work experience and a motivation letter to finances(at) with the reference “Director” before the 15th of September 2024.

The selection process will be organised in 2 steps: analysis and evaluation of CV and interview.


What we offer

  • Incorporation in an international team with young professionals working in EU advocacy and projects covering a broad range of topics;
  • Permanent contract beginning in October 2024. The start date could be moved forward subject to the availability of the selected person;
  • A gross monthly salary of €4.000/month to €7.000/month according to experience
  • Assurance Group;
  • Cheque Repas;
  • Urban -Brussels-travel costs coverage;
  • Mobile phone and SIM;
  • Portable PC.


For more information about this vacancy and the selection procedure, please check this document, and/or contact us at roberta.dalloilio(at) or via phone at +32 492375960 and/or elena.bortoluzzi(at)