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Italian PAs and SMEs gathered in Venice for the XPRESS Co-creation Policy Workshop about the development of GPP in Renewable Energy Sector

On the 22nd April 2022, EURADA attended the Co-creation Policy Workshop “Experiences and solutions for the development of GPP in the renewable energy sector” in Venice as XPRESS Project Partner.

This initiative aimed to discuss how to overcome the bureaucratic, financial and technical barriers that hinder the full involvement of public administrations and innovative companies in the development of Green Public Procurement (GPP) in the renewable energy sector.

Due to the relevance and familiarity with the topics, EURADA involved one of its members: ART-ER Attrattività Ricerca Territorio from the Emilia-Romagna Region. Michele Bartolomei, Communication Manager of the PerpAIR project that aims at the acquisition of responsible behaviours for the reduction of CO2 emissions in the Po river basin area, a critical area as regards air quality and pollution, had its own space for the presentation during one of the first sessions.

Representatives from Public Authorities, Small and Medium Enterprises, EU Research Agencies, and other knowledge and private sector partners, had the opportunity to engage and discuss developments of Green Public Procurement (GPP), during 3 interesting panel sessions as well as during coffee breaks and lunch.

The first round of the event focused on the experiences of the Public Administration committed in the energy transformation process through GPP. Since PAs are major GPP consumers, by using their purchasing power to choose environmentally friendly goods, services and works, they can make an important contribution to sustainable consumption and production. In this framework, Bartolomei highlighted how ART-ER has played a supporting role in the implementation of green procurement policies - mandatory since 2009 - in the Emilia-Romagna Region, by training officials, developing training tools, monitoring regional green procurement, and supporting the Region in participating in ministerial meetings.

The second round focused on the existing financial tools and solutions to support the purchase of renewable energy and facilitate the relationship between the PAs and businesses. It is worth pointing out that sustainable finance – also known as responsible finance – has become a vital tool for addressing climate-related risks, which have become increasingly prominent due to the emergence of irreversible damage to the environment.   

The third and last panel highlighted how the participation of companies in GPP and their collaboration with public actors is crucial for innovation in the renewable energy sector. Without SMEs, this transition would simply not occur since they are key players in global value chain.

Given the great topicality of the issues of sustainability and energy transition, XPRESS and EURADA's work does not stop but continues during the next month with the Second Stakehoder Cafè of Portugal taking place in Lisbon on 11th May, and on 31st May with the last Co-creation Policy Workshop taking place in Brussels.

For further information about the XPRESS project and the events organised in the upcoming weeks, do not hesitate to contact Giacomo Frisanco and/or Nora Scantamburlo.