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Oost NL invests in the treatment of brain haemorrhages and other life-threatening bleeding

Alveron Pharma based in The Netherlands and the UK has recently succeeded in the first human trial for OKL-1111 drug. Alveron’s drug OKL-1111 is a potential breakthrough in the treatment of haemorrhagic stroke. Oost NL, one of our members, together with Thuja Capital and Waterman Ventures are the main investors of Alveron Pharma and its advancing research.

More than 30 million patients in Western economies are prescribed blood thinners and nearly 1 million suffer from spontaneous bleeding as a result of it. An ageing population and the widespread use of blood thinners can pose as an increasing problem.

At the beginning of October 2023, Alveron Pharma announced the success of the first human trial for OKL-111. Alveron's drug reverses the effects of all major anticoagulants. This allows doctors to act in case of emergency without prior knowledge of the type of anticoagulant used and is likely to greatly simplify treatment protocols.

During 2021, Oost NL invested in the development of Alveron Pharma from the Participatiefonds Oost NL to help the company take further steps in the development of the drug that benefits all patients taking blood thinners. With this new achievement, a view of a new investment round with the existing stakeholders including OostNL is expected to take further action on the innovative research.

You can read more here.