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Achieving DNSH compliance

Article written by Magda Ribeiro Rodrigues - Project Manager at EQA

EURADA Spanish member, EQA, is specialised in offering third-party services, including Validation (ex-ante) and Verification (ex-post) assessments to support compliance with the DNSH principle.

As an accredited independent entity, EQA holds substantial expertise, having performed over 1,000 substantive impact assessments of the DNSH principle in diverse European countries. EQA assists project promoters in ensuring that they meet this requirement to be beneficiaries of European funds by thoroughly reviewing the self-assessment of DNSH compliance, and adhering to all required standards.


What sets EQA apart:

  • +300 employees.
  • +25 years of experience.
  • +9,000 international highly qualified expert evaluators.
  • Evaluation tools and know-how.
  • Optimised work platforms designed to enhance efficiency and streamline operational timelines.
  • Internationally recognised accredited processes and methodology.
  • Extensive experience working with the Public Sector.


Verification of the self-assessment for DNSH principle compliance

When an organisation undertakes a project and seeks to confirm whether it complies with the DNSH principle, the organisation must conduct a self-assessment of DNSH principle compliance. To ensure the Public Administration or the contracting entity, that the content of its self-assessment is based on robust reasoning, an accredited independent entity, such as EQA, can be requested to carry out the validation of the self-assessment to support the conclusions reached, ensuring its technical foundation and reasonableness.

EQA manages the validation process, concluding with the issuance of a Validation Report and an Opinion that reflects the outcome of the validation. Similarly, this process can be carried out after the project's completion, by performing a Verification of the justification memorandum for compliance with the DNSH principle. In both cases, the process adheres to the highest standards set for European fund recipients.


Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our colleague and EURADA’s proud member Magda Rodrigues for more information.