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EURADA Awards Ceremony 2021

Every year, Eurada Awards recognizes best practices carried out by European Development Agencies. Despite setbacks brought by the pandemic, our…

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Net Zero Plans for Economic Development Agencies - First Meeting

EURADA strongly believes that we must collaborate in meeting the challenge of ecological transition.

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EURADA Awards Ceremony 2021

On the 22nd of April, the EURADA Awards Ceremony 2021 was held. Every year, the Awards recognizes and celebrates best practices carried out by…

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The IURC– International Urban and Regional Cooperation, kicks off

On the 14th of April, the 2nd phase of International Urban Cooperation (IUC), now called the International Urban and Regional Cooperation (IURC)…

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“EU Funding and other Financing Resources for Smart Innovation in Historical Cities”

The 2nd meeting of the Working Group on Smart Heritage Cities organized in the framework of the POCITYF project was held on the 13th of April 2021.

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International Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Approaches with Worldwide Application

On April 8, our colleagues from IEDC's International Advisory Committee organised the webinar International Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Approaches…

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Self-assessment tool for the future of smart specialisation strategies

EURADA and its members are reflecting closely on the future of S3 for European regions. Mr Saublens (former director of EURADA) and the Joint Research…

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Brokerage Event for Innovation Agencies - 6th Edition

Once again, the hard and constant work of development agencies has been reflected during the celebration of the sixth edition of the Brokerage Event…

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